Applications of BASF Laroflex MP15 Resin

Feb 01, 2024

LAROFLEX MP 15 is a chlorinated binder that is used for the manufacture of physically drying coatings on iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, mineral substrates as well as road marking paints resistant to hydrolysis.


Laroflex MP 15 is a binder resistant to hydrolysis. It can be used for anti-corrosion coatings, for coatings on galvanized steel, other non-ferrous metals, concrete, fiber cement, road marking paints, flame-retardant coatings on non-flammable building materials, and marine and container paints.

Laroflex MP 15 offers the following advantages to both manufacturers and users of coatings:

Good compatibility with other coating raw materials

Good pigment binding capacity even at high solids

Unrestricted choice of pigments and extenders

Easy application by all common techniques, no cob-webbing even at high solids

Thermal stability allows force drying

Good adhesion on iron,steel,and many unrelated coating systems, good inter-coat adhesion

Good resistance of properly formulated coatings to aqueous alkalis and acids, salt solutions, tostress from water, humidity changes, low and cyclic temperatures as well as to chalking and yellowing

Long lasting corrosion protection even under extreme outdoor conditions

Today, Sunman's CMP-15 resin is an industry leader in product performance and cost effectiveness. It has successfully replaced the Laroflex MP-15 resin. So if you have any questions, pls contact us now.



